Pain and breath should be synonyms ; well, not synonyms but you get what I mean right..everyone must be taught to always remember that these two are things that go together. And since we weren’t made aware of that, this post gets written. You’re Welcome !
If you are leading a perfectly healthy life (which is truly what I wish for everyone), this blog post might not resonate much with you at this moment. But if you still want to continue reading this now, I’m happy you decided to spend your next few minutes here. What I would like for you do is, bookmark this page, and if you ever are in any kind of physical pain (god forbid), come read this again, because that is when I would like to remind you how important it is to consciously breathe through it as it’s the only thing that’s gonna help you get past your pain without questioning it.
Have you ever wondered what’s the 1st thought that comes up when we are in pain ? Our mind tries so hard to think about the last moment we were pain-free ; when there was no agony. Call me out if you think otherwise, because I am pretty certain about it. Or, funnily enough it tries to wish the pain was someplace else. Remember when you had an ear ache and thought “oh god, not my👂, I’m sure I wouldn’t be so miserable if it was some other part of my body that is hurting”. But then in the near/distant future on a Friday evening when the doctors have gone home, the tooth that was subtly hinting all this time starts throbbing. And we go, “Oh no, not the 🦷 , I’m sure the ear ache was not as bad as this”. The truth is, all these pains are equally bad. While we are going through it, it feels like there couldn’t be anything more worse and that we are never going to forget how bad it hurts. But just wait until it passes and with it off goes the memory of how bad the pain was and one year later it will just be a blip in the sea of all other thoughts.
How can I be so sure of this ? Glad you asked. Time for some storytelling. When I was happily pregnant with my 1st one, I thought having a baby was all roses and rainbows until the morning when I started having contractions. And just so you know, my pain tolerance is pretty high like I wouldn’t even tell someone I am in pain unless it’s like a seven or eight on a scale of ten. Until that point I would just wait for it to go away by itself. Anyways, now coming back to the story, as the contractions got closer and frequent and I Really started feeling it, I decided this was the worst pain I would experience and there’s nothing that could beat it. Ha, little did I know in a few hours from there I would have my baby girl in my hands and post-delivery recovery was going to kick contractions in its rear. I was prescribed 45 pills of Oxy without which I would have lost it. So now, giving birth was my front-runner.
To anyone who tried telling me what I felt in terms of sustained pain will most likely fade, I outright refused thinking they didn’t go through what I did and so they ought to be wrong. Little did I know, I was the one who was wrong. Over the course of the last few years I got a tooth pulled without being put under fully, I rediscovered gravity when I fell down on my side and dislocated my elbow, got mastitis twice and then experienced an awful muscle pull that prevented me from laying down to sleep.
What did I find out through all of this ? That there is Always rëlief to anything unpleasant the body is feeling/going through (except for those with chronic pain, which is terrible and we are not talking about it here 😞).
So, to get to the point of relief all we need to do is get through the few hours or days of pain. I hear you say that’s what painkillers are for, aren’t they ? Well, ya, but that’s to numb your pain, not really address it. Well, then what addresses it ? Once again I am glad you asked 🙃. Because, It’s Simple. All we need to do is Just Breathe. It’s something we always do unintentionally, the only small tweak here being, we should now be aware of it. Don’t fight the pain. Just take deep breaths knowing well the state of pain and discomfort is temporary and we are going to feel better again because we most certainly will 😌.
On an endnote, with all the above said and done, when our heartbeats walking out of our body - our little offspring gets a boo-boo and come running wanting us to make their pain go away 🥺, that’s a whole different ballgame ; that’s all on you, but just don’t forget to do the one thing - Breathe and make them take big deep breaths with you in between those sobs, it helps calm them down big time 🧸 💟.